Back to School
This month it's already back to school time for many families and students! Time to dust off the lunch box, deliver an apple to the teacher, start the day with a healthy breakfast, and get back into routine...
To support this mood, the August Pantry Discovery Box includes makings for PB&J (with a twist, of course), makings for Apple Cake (and a recipe!), and some apple-y granola to get a great start to your day. Perfect for the kids, or the kid in all of us. Enjoy the rest of the summer days!
Each box donates $10 to SEE-LA whose mission is to build sustainable food systems and promote social and cultural activities that benefit both low-to-moderate income residents of Los Angeles while also supporting California small- and mid-sized farms and local small businesses.
Easy Back to School Apple Cake
Drop off a cake for the teacher, or save it for your kids when they come home from school. Or, if there's no kids in the house, there's always the go-to Bake and Gobble method! Perfect for fall, and new season apples, not to mention the beautiful pastry flour and nutmeg in the August Pantry Discover Box!